Public Speaking Courses in New York

“This was such an amazing class. Not only did I learn to speak in public with confidence, I also had a lot of fun during the day! Highly recommend Herman’s public speaking courses in New York. It was totally worth it!”
Roos Van Breukelen
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Learn the secrets of public speaking from the best reviewed speaking coach in NYC.

✔️ Practice in a safe environment
✔️ Small group (max 7 people)
✔️ Lunch included
✔️ Certificate of participation
✔️ After-class-email with tips and tricks
✔️ Over 400 positive reviews..


We also offer private coaching and corporate training.
And a follow-up to this class: the level 2 experience!

Public Speaking Courses NYC
One of the public speaking classes in NYC. All photos.

Public speaking courses in New York

Public speaking is an important skill to have in todays world. Whether youre a business professional, a student, or a job seeker, the ability to communicate effectively in front of an audience is essential. For those looking to hone their public speaking skills, there is Public Speaking NYC. We offer unique public speaking courses in New York that focuses on helping people develop their skills.

Herman’s public speaking courses in New York

Our public speaking courses in New York are led by Herman Otten, a highly experienced public speaking coach. The course combines practical instruction with a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. The course is designed to help people develop their confidence, learn the basics of public speaking, and practice their skills in a safe and supportive environment. Herman Ottens approach to teaching public speaking is based on his decades of experience as a public speaking coach. He emphasizes the importance of developing a strong connection with the audience, as well as the importance of understanding the dynamics of a group. He also focuses on helping students develop their own unique style of public speaking. More about Herman.

Personal attention

We work in a small group. This ensures that everyone gets enough personal attention to improve their public speaking skills.

Practical information

Time: Full day from 10 AM to 5 PM
We have two 10-minute coffee breaks and a 1-hour lunch break.
Location: In the heart of Manhattan at Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 8th Avenue.
Lunch: Enjoy a great meal together at a nearby Asian restaurant, offering also vegetarian and vegan options. You’re free to spend the break however you’d like—if you prefer to have lunch on your own, that’s perfectly fine too.
Price: $597 per person (includes lunch, water, and cookies). Payment is possible via PayPal and credit card.
PLEASE NOTE: We have a NO-REFUND POLICY. You can reschedule your class up to 8 days before the scheduled date. After that, rescheduling is not possible under any circumstances. If you reschedule, your new class date must be within one year from the original purchase date. If you can’t attend and miss the rescheduling deadline, you can gift or sell your spot to someone else.

Let us know if you have any questions.
Or check out the frequently asked questions to find out if your answer is in there.