Public Speaking Anxiety

“I cannot say enough about Herman Otten! This multitalented person made such huge difference in me after just one day of his public speaking class! Herman is eclectic, passionate, fun, warm, caring and most important he makes you feel comfortable from the minute you meet him! Even the lunch that was included in the price of the training session was amazing! We had a great time communicating during the class in the neighboring restaurant with great food. I definitely will highly recommend Herman Otten as the first resource to people who struggle with public speaking anxiety or to people who need to improve!”
Olga Moldavsky
Read more reviews..

Learn the secrets of public speaking from the best reviewed speaking coach in NYC.

✔️ Practice in a safe environment
✔️ Small group (max 7 people)
✔️ Lunch included
✔️ Certificate of participation
✔️ After-class-email with tips and tricks
✔️ Over 400 positive reviews..


We also offer private coaching and corporate training.
And a follow-up to this class: the level 2 experience!

Main causes of public speaking anxiety

Public speaking anxiety
One of the public speaking classes in NYC. All photos.

The main causes found are: “A low self-esteem, foreign language anxiety, readiness for language speech, loss of memory and little experience with public speaking.” A low self-esteem means that you don’t believe enough in yourself that you’re capable to manage your public speaking anxiety. Foreign language anxiety makes you very nervous when you have to speak in public, but in a different language, this kind of anxiety makes you also perform worse. Loss of memory occurs when you forget what you want to tell. Also if you have little experience with public speaking it may have an impact on your self-esteem.

What can you do about public speaking anxiety?

It is important that you learn to influence the named causes. This is hard to do on your own, especially when you want to reduce your public speaking anxiety in the short term. Because public speaking anxiety is not a thing you can change by using logic, it is important that you learn to control your subconscious. A training will help you to get rid of the underlying cause of public speaking anxiety.

In Herman Otten’s public speaking class you will learn to get grip on your subconscious and how to deal with with the problems that cause you to have public speaking anxiety. Therefore you will perform and work on the underlying causes that apply to you. For example, Herman will teach you how to keep talking even if you forgot what you were saying. He does this by giving you the tools to influence your unconscious mind and making you familiar with these tools by letting you use them right away.

“Highly recommended!! Herman was really good in terms of communicating and explaining anxiety regarding public speaking and how you can shift your mindset to improve. The in-person training was very helpful!”
Carlton Ramsay
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Ready to face your public speaking anxiety

The public speaking workshop in New York City is right for you if you want to get rid of your public speaking anxiety. The class is also right for you if you want to build on your current skills and improve them even further. Starting your public speaking journey or getting more practice are a vital part of your progress into becoming the public speaker you were certainly meant to be.

About Herman Otten

Public speaking anxiety
One of the public speaking classes in NYC. All photos.

The public speaking class is taught by Herman Otten. He graduated as an actor from the Utrecht School of the Arts. He then went on to direct and act on Dutch television. Now Herman is widely known for helping people overcome their fear of public speaking. Herman’s life goal is to help people as quickly and effectively as possible. He has been doing this for many years with great success. More about Herman.

Personal attention

We work in a small group. This ensures that everyone gets enough personal attention to overcome public speaking anxiety.

Practical information

Time: Full day from 10 AM to 5 PM
We have two 10-minute coffee breaks and a 1-hour lunch break.
Location: In the heart of Manhattan at Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 8th Avenue.
Lunch: Enjoy a great meal together at a nearby Asian restaurant, offering also vegetarian and vegan options. You’re free to spend the break however you’d like—if you prefer to have lunch on your own, that’s perfectly fine too.
Price: $597 per person (includes lunch, water, and cookies). Payment is possible via PayPal and credit card.
PLEASE NOTE: We have a NO-REFUND POLICY. You can reschedule your class up to 8 days before the scheduled date. After that, rescheduling is not possible under any circumstances. If you reschedule, your new class date must be within one year from the original purchase date. If you can’t attend and miss the rescheduling deadline, you can gift or sell your spot to someone else.

Let us know if you have any questions.
Or check out the frequently asked questions to find out if your answer is in there.